Have you ever wanted to try your hand at hosting a free challenge to sell more of your offer? A free challenge has such a great opportunity to massively grow your email list and connect with your audience at the same time.
Running a free challenge is definitely on my list for 2020. What about you?
If you want to try a challenge, then you’re going to love today’s episode, because I’m chatting with Shannon Mattern about how she sells her evergreen course through a 5 day challenge.
Shannon Mattern is a web designer, digital marketer, speaker and podcaster who has taught over 10,000 entrepreneurs how to build their websites with her signature DIY web design course, the Free 5 Day Website Challenge.
In this episode, we talk about how she uses two funnels to both grow your list and sell your offer, how Shannon figured out what to teach each day, how long the content is, how she delivers the challenge, and how she promotes the next step in the funnel.
What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:
- How Shannon uses two funnels to both grow her email list and sell her offer
- The method she uses to decide what to teach every day
- How long the content is for her challenges
- The method she uses to deliver the content
- How she promotes the next step in her funnel to subscribers
Links & Resources Mentioned:

[…] Selling a Course through a 5-Day Challenge […]