If you’ve been in business for more than a millisecond, you’ve probably had at least 5 people tell you that you need to niche down.
And although, you know they’re likely right… for some reason, you still haven’t committed.
And if you’re unfamiliar with the concept of niching, it’s when you narrow down the type of work you’re doing into a sub-segment of a larger audience. We’ll go into a few examples in a minute, but first, let’s get an official definition.
Dictionary.com defines “niche” as…
“a distinct segment of a market”.
And it defines “niche market” as…
“a demand for a very specialized product or commodity”.
The concept of “niching” can be a bit intimidating.
I mean, you don’t want to leave anybody out, right?!
If I can design a website and my neighbor down the street starting a lawn care company needs a website for his new business, then he’s a potential customer, right?
Just because you can design a website and he needs a website, doesn’t mean you have to market to him or work with him.
Niching down allows you to laser focus on a specific group of people and/or problem and go all in.
It allows you to speak your ideal customer’s language because you can pinpoint exactly who they are, what they’re thinking and what they need from you.
For example, a lawn care company needs a very different type of website than an online copywriter and when you try to market to both, it dilutes your message, and in return – dilutes your growth.
Like the famous quote goes…
When you’re speaking to everybody, you’re speaking to nobody.
Trying to market to everyone is actually marketing to no one.
Niching allows you to become the go-to person in your industry solving a specific type of problem for a specific type of person.
It’s also one of the easiest and fastest ways to see success in your business.
Today, I want to talk specifically about niching your online course so it’s a million times easier to sell.
I want you to be the person being tagged in all the Facebook groups when someone asks a question that your online course solves.
Alright, so let’s dive in.
There are 3 ways to niche your online course so it sets you apart and is easier to sell.
The first strategy is to niche down by WHAT you teach.
To do this, your online course topic should solve a very specific problem.
A great example of this is Stu McClaren’s course, Tribe, which teaches you how to create recurring revenue with a membership site.
Who he markets to is pretty broad – anyone wanting to create recurring revenue, but the problem he’s solving is very specific – creating recurring revenue though a membership site.
Another example is Amy Porterfield’s, Digital Course Academy which teaches online business owners how to create a digital course.
Again, who Amy markets to is pretty broad – anyone who wants to create a digital course, but the problem she’s solving is very specific – how to validate, create and launch your online course via webinars.
It’s important to note here that although these examples aren’t specifically focused on WHO they teach, Stu and Amy narrow down who they market towards and work with by infusing their personality into their marketing, which automatically filters out people who don’t click with their message.
The second strategy is to niche down by WHO you teach.
For this strategy, you’re typically going to teach on a broader topic, but only to a specific group of people.
An example of this strategy is Morgan Nield’s course, Mastermind Your Marketing, which is an online course that teaches Etsy Shop Owners how to market their shops.
The concept of “online marketing” is very broad, but by niching down to only teaching online marketing to Etsy Shop Owners, you’re carving out a special niche and you know exactly who you’re talking to.
Another example of this is my client, Tiyana Robinson’s membership site, Makeup Mogul University, which teaches makeup artists how to grow their businesses.
The topic of the membership site is broad, but she niches down by only teaches makeup artists, which is her background.
The third way is the hardest, but also the most rewarding – niche down by WHAT you teach and WHO you teach it to.
I recommend this to any business owner creating an online course, but especially if it’s one of your first online courses.
And the reason for that is because this strategy – niching down by what you teach and who you teach it to is the fastest and easiest way to become known for something.
Once you’ve seen some success, you can then branch out and expand the topics you talk about.
Alright, let’s talk about an example of how to niche down by what you teach and who you teach it to.
For this example, I’m going to use my own course, Irresistible Sales Pages, which is an online course that teaches sales pages to course creators.
On the flip side, I could have (and did in the past) market my business to all online business owners who needed a sales page. The reality is that if you have an online business and you sell something, then you need a sales page. However, an online service provider needs a different type of sales page than someone launching an online course.
So, by narrowing down to teaching sales pages only to online course creators, it allows me to get really specific with what I teach, the examples I use and the language I use to teach and interact with my customers.
It also allows my potential customers to make an easy decision on whether it’s the right fit for them.
Ok, so let’s do a little recap before we wrap up with a quick little exercise I want you to do.
The first strategy is to niche down by WHAT you teach.
The second strategy is to niche down by WHO you teach.
And the third strategy is to niche down by WHAT you teach and WHO you teach it to.
Got it? Understand?
Ok, let’s do a little exercise now. If you’re sitting down and not driving, please don’t try this while you’re driving, take a few seconds to brainstorm your niche using this super simple formula…
Niching Formula: {what you teach} for {who you teach it to}
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