Have you ever thought about creating your own online shop, but worried about how much time it would require to create, ship and run the day-to-day operations? Me, too! In fact, I did launch an online shop and got totally burnt out on running it, because it required so much time that I didn’t have. That’s why I reached out to today’s guest.
In this episode I’m chatting with Gemma Bonham-Carter, Online Business expert, on how you can launch an online shop using dropshipping (the most passive way to run an online shop, in my opinion!).
Gemma is a serial online entrepreneur. She has started three successful online businesses and has made it her mission to help others do the same. She believes that everyone can make an income and an impact online, and create a business that lets them live their dream life. Gemma’s secret sauce is passive income and automation. When she isn’t crafting her latest email funnel or teaching her students how to build their empires, you can find her chasing after her two small kids or doing a home renovation project with her husband in Ottawa, Canada.
What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:
- Gemma describes how dropshipping works
- Gemma’s favorite dropshipping companies
- How to price your dropshipping products
- Recommended software to run your online shop
- How to send traffic to your online shop
- How much time Gemma spends working in her business and where she spends most of her time
- Getting started with your own dropshipping business
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